Favorite Anime: Noragami

Favorite Anime: Noragami

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Noragami: Things That The Rabo Arc Spoiled

We all know that the Rabo Arc in season one was not one of Noragami's best moments. Not only did the Arc not exist at all, but it also killed the pace the anime had been going at. A lot of viewers even said that this arc was downright boring. But more than that, I feel it spoiled a lot of things that showed up in the manga and seaspn two and there were even several nonsensical things in it too. Now this is something I have always been aware of, but this time when I was doing my usual binge rewatch Noragami with Koka Noodles, I realized that this issue has to be seriously addressed. So here goes nothing.

1) Hiyori's Memory Loss

Hiyori's memory loss was a very important part in the story that originally takes place during the Underworld arc. Nothing wrong with making the girl lose her memory twice, right? Actually, there is something very wrong about that. In the original story line, Hiyori lost her memory even though she firmly believed she wouldn't and that she was different. The only one's to know that she lost her menory were herself and Tenjin and group. What was important about this was Hiyori feeling the utter agony and regret for having forgotten people so precious to her, understanding what her life would be like without them and realizing their importance. Yato not finding out was also very important because it created the need in him to go back, the desperation to make Hiyori not forget him. That was the impact of her original memory loss. However because of the Rabo Arc, for only anime watching fans, the second time she lost her memory was not that much of a big deal and the impact lost it's effect. She just lost her memory again, right?

2) How Stupidly Unbelievable The Arc Was

Alright, I know it's a problem that a lot of people think anything is possible in anime. Yeah, anything is possible in Fairy Tail, we get that (I mean Gajeel was ressurected). But like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and other good anime and manga, Noragami follows a set of rules. Delving deep into mythological Shinto, although it is supernatural immersed, Noragami is a strict no-nonsense story. Therefore stealing Hiyori's memories, bringing back a dead kami with a spell, him absorbing a friggin ayakashi cloud and Hiyori getting her memories back with Yato's smell is borderline riduculous. I can't stand for it!

3) The Use of The Mask Ruined

We all know the masks were used by Fujisaki, Nora and our darling Ebisu. However, because Rabo did miracles with his mask, such as absorbing ayakashi without touching them, not getting blighted by the storm of ayakashi and whatnot, Ebisu was expected to do similar miracles. However, the mask has to be stuck on an ayakashi to be controlled. The mask was used in a way that shouldn't have been possible. This also made certain people view Ebisu as inferior to Rabo. Non manga readers, that is.

4) Nora and Rabo Teaming Up

Nora and Yato have a very complicated relationship and as much as I know you guys have the propensity to despise her, she would never do anything to put Yato's lfe in danger because Yato's life is still very important to Fujisaki. Therefore her teaming up with Rabo is unthinkable.

5) Nora's Water Ability

We all know what it means when a drop of water falls. Nora is here. However, until the Underworld arc no one was supposed to know what that signified. Also, for every person she is a shinki of, Nora is known to only have a water form under Yato's name, Hiiro. The fact that Rabo weilded the same power made Yato lose the special spot light.

6) Brainwashing Yato into Remembering

We all know Rabo went "Remember, remember, remember. Let me friggin hypnotize you." However, this had a negative effect on Yato's assumed strength by the fans. It gave the impression Yato doesn't wish to recall his past and he is only strong as a Magatsukami. It wasn't a really smart idea. 

7) Rabo's Unoriginal Back Story

I personally felt Rabo's back story was an imiation of Tenjin's. Michizane is known as one the great three vengeful spirits and that's why he became a kami. A human banished and left alone to die, but his death caused disasters so people worshipped him to curb his anger and thus the kami of education came into being. Rabo's was a little too similar to Tenjin's. A messanger killed and then worshipped to curb his anger. However, I think this was really cutting it close. Manga readers who have been avidly following the story will find this back story incredulous. This kind of back story and every shinki might as well wind up becoming kamis.

8) Rabo Death Telepathy

When Rabo died he disentegrated into nothing. OK. Now, the important part is that all the Kami stop their work, look up into the sky and say, "One of us is no more." OK, and how did you know? Did you get a phone call? Is this how it is whenever a Kami dies? Wow, do you guys stand in awe whenever one of you get's reincarnated. The computer program kami down the street paid her respects to Ebisu when he died because she stopped in awe to look up at the heavens.

9) Yato as a Partner

It is hard to believe Yato would've had a partner once upon a time othe than Nora. Yato was Fujisaki's pawn and therefore only stayed with Nora, doing whatever Fujisaki asked of him. With a connection that troublesome it's not right that Yato had a partner Fujisaki did not know of or Rabo did not know of Fujisaki's existence. Given Fujisaki's hate for Kami, the mere idea of even coming close to Rabo must be sickening. So, find a partner approved by daddy first.

10) Nora as a Shinki

When Nora shows Yato the name Furuhime, Yato's eyes widened meaning that he recignized the name, meaning even way back then, Rabo had naned her.Who wouldn't? How many people can find a murderous shinki that won't sting them? However, at that time, Rabo couldn't have possibly naned her and used her because she was being used by Yato as his shinki. Yup dead end there. He don't have no shinki, not one strong enough to kill Kami that is.

Well that's all for now. I had much more on my mind but I couldn't recall while writing this post. If I remember anything, I'll edit and repost!

"May your wish be heard loud and clear!"

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