Favorite Anime: Noragami

Favorite Anime: Noragami

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Naruto: To Hyuuga Neji

My favourite character in Naruto and the man I loved the most in Naruto. Hyuuga Neji broke through all my loyalty barriers, killed all my bias lists and nearly climbed to the top (although, he couldn't beat Yato. That Kami is staying at the top) I truly loved him, he so much as blinked and opened his mouth and I started squealing like a fan girl and falling off whatever I was sitting on. I finally got free time to watch Naruto Shippuden and run through the Fourth Shinobi War Arc. I cried, I sobbed, I let out heart wrenching cries of pain when I watched Neji die yesterday. I loved him so much and I was stuck in a limbo for the longest time yesterday. So this post is dedicated to Hyuuga Neji and my love for him.

When I was introduced to Neji I was intrigued by his character, I wondered who he was and I was a little creeped out by his eyes at first, but I instantly related him to Hinata. I found his power kind of weird but also really awesome and everyone treated him with respect and anyone could tell he was really powerful. I was so enthusiastic to meet this new character.

And then he did this to Hinata and I wasn't so sure I liked him so much any more. The way he spoke and his stupid philosophy pissed me off beyond belief. He was going in the exact opposite direction of the typical Naruto ideology. And the fact that he could almost kill his own cousin without flinching made me even angrier, I mean, I really love my cousins you know.

And then I learned of his back story and I thought, OK, this guy has a decent reason after all, but that doesn't give him an excuse to keep spouting out stuff like predestined fate in Naruto's face. I mean, Naruto should be the last person you say something like that to. Oh well, at least he was no longer a shitty guy in my eyes.

When Naruto punched him and knocked sense into him and he finally turned over and learned the truth about his father's death. I was so happy, it meant that I didn't need to be mad at his character any more cause I really liked him. He was just so interesting. I was so ready to add this guy to my list of good looking guys in Naruto because I have a thing for guys with long hair and pony tails.

Neji then fought Kidomaru and I was squealing all over the place cause he was so amazing and powerful and good looking and all I could think was: "How on earth is this guy still genin?" I really wanted to leap into the screen and hug him. By then, I loved his Byakugan and his Gentle Fist.and no longer thought anything about him was weird (cause we came across Orochimaru and that guy was just plain revolting, urgh)

When Kidomaru almost killed him I started crying. I then realized that I was seriously in love with this kid (although he was like ages younger than me). I didn't want him to die, I had just fallen in love with him and even though he was almost on the verge of death he was still so badass and powerful, I loved watching Neji prove to others how much he had changed.

When Naruto showed up in Naruto Shippuden, I squealed over how good looking he was. I squealed over Gaara and Sai's appearance but the best appearance by far was Hyuuga Neji's. I screamed and didn't stop for a whole moment. He was so powerful and good looking and just amazing that I thought I could lose my mind. Like OH MY GOD!

Then he just continued being everywhere but there was just never enough of him and I loved him so much. My Naruto experience was made satisfactory with those little moments that Neji would take the screen.

He went shirtless with his hair open and he was wet and my brain short circuited. Yeah, I was at a loss of words.

I've always loved his protective big brother act when it would come to Hinata. Naruto honestly had to cross a high hurdle before he got to Hinata.

I also loved the way Hinata and him could fight side by side. For some reason, when characters have siblings, you just see more of them and Neji was ready to do anything to protect his cousin (....I want a boyfriend like him....)

I was so pissed at Zetsu for pretending to be Neji, thank god Sakura got rid of him. No one dares to pretend to be Neji and get away with it!

That jounin vest did some serious justice to his looks and he was just so powerful during the Fourth Shinobi War that it gave me goosebumps and it really happened.

And then...he died...I didn't know what to do...I just felt so heartbroken...I still don't know what to do without him.

Watching Life leave his eyes beat the sadness I felt when I watched Gaara, Jiraiya, Itachi, Minato and Kushina die. It was just so painful.

No matter what happens, I will continue to love this man who died for his friends, family and beliefs. To Hyuuga Neji, Farewell.

"Because you called me a genius"

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