Favorite Anime: Noragami

Favorite Anime: Noragami

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Noragami: Chapter 68

So, I've decided to do a section in which I discuss the latest chapter and such because I need to voice my opinion. This is late and I know I'm starting on the wrong chapter but here goes. After a long, long time (well it was long for me), the latest chapter was scanlated! Yay! I was dying for this. Anyway, I'll just applaud the art for this chapter. Recently the art has been really eye catching, urgh and for the most nerve wracking arc of all things. This chapter was funny, heart touching, chilling, awesome, but also really sad. Which trust me, is a really good thing, it keeps the readers hooked. Going on-

I absolutely adore it when the supposed bad guy just turns out to be an adorable idiot. Yeah, I didn't like Takemikazuchi at all at first. First of all I thought he was in cahoots with Fujisaki and on top of that he killed Ebisu. Yeah, I excused him for the Fujisaki thing early on because Nora seems to be using a lot of kamis. But the fact that he killed Ebisu. Holy cow, I wasn't going to forgive him for that, no siree. But this guy honestly thought it was justice. So, oh well, I can't do much. What I loved about this scene is Yato and Takemikazuchi fighting each other like idiots (it kind of reminded me of Naruto and Sasuke's last battle when they completely ran out of energy, way to be stupid you guys), they're really alike if you look at it. Why the heck are they fighting with bamboo? Oh right, cause they don't have shinki supporting their fight anymore. I also noticed, Bamboo has a lot of symbolism in Japan, so there might be an internal joke, but I cannot spot it, meh...The reason why I find this scene so important is the fact that no matter how hard the two of them fight, they can only exhaust each other, while Yukine and Kiun are seriously discussing serious matters at hand. It also symbolizes that kami are nothing and cannot function without their guidepost (reminding us of when Yato said he was 'butt-naked without a shinki' after Tomone quit). Of course they're plenty strong and whatnot, but their guidepost are essential, which is hauntingly echoed in the very last page, we'll get there.

Also can I just spazz, because we have new good looking males added to my list? Kiun smiled, like honestly smiled! Oh my kami! Also Takemikazuchi looks very, very good with his hair down. May I say cute? My new personal dose of long hair and ponytails. Although, Takemikazuchi can do without the ponytail, I don't know how he does it, but he looks atrocious with the ponytail. Another flag here. Takemikazuchi and Kiun  will have very important roles to play from here on. Anime and Manga rule states that once a character starts looking really good in the good kind of way, he's going to be around the protagonist for a very long time. It means he's coming to the good side (not that Noragami has a good side...erm...Yato's side??).

I'm extremely worried about these two. Kazuma has stung Bishamon and Bishamon obviously knows and feels that, and I think she even knows which one of her shinki stung her. I don't understand how and why Kazuma stung her when he's only thinking of her well being. I'll have to go back and check the scene in which Hiyori notices. Kazuma has never stung her and I think that's very important. The fact that he stung her may drive him to believe she is too good for him and he may back out from being not only Bishamon's guidepost but also her shinki. He's already very insecure about Bishamon using Nana instead of him, this might be what snaps Kazuma. I don't really like the direction in which this is going. As I said earlier, the guidepost is essential to the kami.

Alright, let us all just sit back and give Nana a slow clap. I am astounded at how amazing this girl is. She not only over came her name, but she even hurt Nora. This is just...wow. Nana is a really refreshing character with utter devotion to her former master (makes sense cause she was a Hafuri, you know). But in order to get back at the heavens for killing her former master, she submits herself to Bishamon. Meaning, she isn't really interested if Bishamon gets hurt or not. I think it's the fact that she's completely indifferent that she isn't stinging Bishamon while she's grinning about killing the heaven's armies. But this also leads us to the question: "Doesn't this mean Kazuma and Yukine can do this too?". Probably yes if the situation arose. Kazuma could probably do it and Yukine if it was guaranteed that it wouldn't hurt Yato (oh my gosh...that panel in the last chapter when Yukine was like "I won't let you take Yato from me" **sobs**). I think this page is important because it will determine what Fujisaki's attachments to Nora is. If she gets really hurt and he pulls back, he might really care for her which means he only despises kami. But if he doesn't he could probably care less about the entire world and only care about that freckled girl he's so obsessed with. Damn we need more of her. Without Nora, Fujisaki isn't powerless, but he's going to face a lot of problems fighting an enraged Bishamon. Um, may I also state that while I love Nana and she is friggin awesome, I think she's a very unhealthy shinki for Bishamon.

Now, we need to seriously talk about freaky shinkis. I thought Kiun was bad enough, seriously. I thought, oh hey, Shinkis are cool, they're pipes, jewelry, weapons, pens, commerce tools, pot lids (I have no idea how that works), and then Kiun showed up and I was like "You call that a shinki? That's insanity!" Now we got an entire horseman army. Yato, Yato, you've got a long way to go before you become Japan's number one kami. Because, seriously, one shinki, that's practically one person becomes a friggin army with fancy horses and armor? I used to think it was weird when Yukine was two blades, kay? Somebody please get rid of this shinki for me, please?

Freaked out, utterly freaked out. I was chilled by this utter sense of foreboding. Do you guys know what anime death flags are? If not, please check this out (http://goboiano.com/list/5091-12-death-flags-that-will-definitely-get-you-killed-in-anime). This scene was literally screaming death flag, of course, I could be wrong...but seriously. Little Kazuma doll torn at the neck (anyone remember where Kzuma's blight eye is?), tender flashback of Kazuma and Bishamon's inseparable relationship (she can't survive without him, you know). Kazuma's going to die. No! No! No! I just said that out loud! No kamisama no! Adachi Toka, please tell me I'm wrong! Please! Not Kazuma!

And then our last page. There are so many curse words I want to spout...no no, must keep this decent. Remember my first part was about how essential your guidepost is for you. Educated guideposts also feel the same way, so for Kazuma, this is the utter form of rejection even though he knows why Bishamon is rejecting him. But seriously, did you have to push him out of the sky? Who's gonna save him now? Don't say Yato because he has saved Kazuma one too many times. I think this will lead to a serious rift between Bishamon and Kazuma, and I don't think Nana's even bothered ("My heaven army is waiting for me to devour it, let us be on our way, Bishamon sama") Kuraha's face is like "What did you even do?" I really hope this isn't how Kazuma dies, that would really suck...But I want to know what was going on in Bishamon's head when she did that. Another death flag, the last line is 'You can never go home again'. Yato kamisama, save us all.

"Your wish has been heard loud and clear!"

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