Favorite Anime: Noragami

Favorite Anime: Noragami

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Magi: Ren Koumei

Right, so let's talk about Ren Koumei from Magi because I've got a Ren Koumei thing going on and I think I might eat him. Not enough people love this kid. Why do I always love these unloved characters? Although I'm not one to speak because until the battle at Magnoshtat, I didn't even realize he existed. And it's so sad, he doesn't have enough pictures on the internet. I mean let's see, he looks adorable, long hair and ponytail and he's lazy but smart, has hair problems, like his bed hair - I can't even begin. Let's not forget his freckles/acne look amazing on him. What am I even saying? Anyway, until the Magnoshtat battle I still didn't have the Ren family straight in my head. So when the battle against the medium - Matal Mogamett - started and I saw him:

All I could think was "Oh my gosh, who the heck is this cutie?" I mean like, Koumei is good looking when he's not in his djinn equip.

 But in his djinn equip this guy is totally edible.

And can I just say he looks awesome when seriously using djinn equip as well? Everyone waves around their swords, spears, scythes, you name it, but Koumei? His hands. Yup. His hands and he looks so damn amazing when he does it too.

It's so frustrating that there is no bigger version of my favourite gif of him.

I mean like, his power isn't even combat type, but he's not falling behind when it comes to wiping out those black djinns, in fact, I'd say he's doing a pretty good job. I mean, I know he's not ruthless like Kouen when it came to killing those djinns, but hey, he channeled everyone's attacks.

So we all think, "Oh hey, this kid is just plain adorable." And then he gets angry and drops the bomshell on you when you hurt his siblings, oops, I meant he drops an entire friggin mountain, not bombshell.

Now everyone thinks that he's precious and lovable. But trust me. I had my fair share of issues with this guy. He's the second oldest Prince in the country. The King is dead, the Evil Empress ain't doing anything and he's the smartest in the family. Their empire is trying to take over the world to create peace. Everyone has their bad sides. And my beloved Koumei's is the fact that he wipes away the identity of his people in order to prevent conflict because he believes individuality will trigger war.

But, I brushed this aside, because I believe he truly has come to see things in a new light, which I am glad for. Other things to add about this guy is that he loves pigeons, a lot. He feeds them, names them, wishes he was a pigeon. Yeah. Lazier than lazy can get. His bed hair scares the life out of one of our darkest characters (he's not really dark anymore)

So yeah, that was my rant on Ren Koumei for you guys. I hope you'll love him too.

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