When I first started with 'Noragami', I started with the anime first. I found reading the manga of any anime tiresome. But it was through 'Noragami' I realized how important the manga was for any anime because there is so much that you miss out in the anime that is there in the manga and then viewers feel betrayed, because all honestly, it hurts when there is more romance in the manga when in the anime there is less. But there were somethings about the characters in the manga and the characters in the anime that I found really different and it really started to annoy me. So I'll start off with comparing the characters.
1) Yato


Luckily the main character can't be switched around or changed that much. In the manga, Yato is more serious, more powerful, better looking, even funnier and even bummier. Needless to say that, while the Anime Yato is colorful and amazing, the manga Yato has a better sense of romance. Hehehehe...
2) Hiyori


Personally, I couldn't help that I believe Hiyori is prettier in the manga. That's just my personal opinion. Once again, one can't change the main character that much. I think Hiyori was fine actually. I didn't mind it that much.
3) Yukine


Once again, Main character syndrome. But let me just say that when Yukine was stinging Yato in the manga, he was the most annoying little prick on the planet, I felt like strangling him. And in the manga, he doesn't have much of a thing for Hiyori.
4) Nora


I think I was the most frustrated when it came to Nora's character. In the anime we see her as the plainly evil and horrifying little girl who has a thing for Yato. Are you kidding me? Yato and Nora were raised as siblings and Yato was the one that turned her into a stray, but that's another thing. Nora isn't evil, she just does what she's told to do without question, I don't think she's fathomed that she's doing something wrong yet. She is a confusing character but I honestly don't think she's evil and she actually cares for Yato like some sort of messed up wacky sister.
5) Kofuku


Kofuku was absolutely adorable and wonderful in the manga and we all loved her to itty-bitty little pieces. But in the anime we see her as a dumb and carefree character. In the manga you actually see glimpses of Kofuku's past before she meets Daikoku and it was so sad that I actually started crying to see the little bright ball of sunshine that she is, crying and blighted.
6) Daikoku


Daikoku is all that jazz, isn't he? He's serious, he strong, he's fierce and he can see right through Yato's and Kofuku's idiocy. But personally I think I like his manga character more, he looks younger and better looking, plus you get to see the other sweet side of him and how much he truly loves Kofuku and how he really can't say no when she asks for a date, despite her disaster creating tendency.


I think I was frustrated quite a lot with the way the anime depicted Bishamon. We see her a lot as an evil character than a good character. She's beautiful, strong, majestic and all that, but she's also weak, loving and like a mother. We all thought in the manga that it really can't be that bad that she's been chasing Yato around for centuries because of the death f one regalia. But in the end, when we realize Bishamon treats all her regalias like her children and she wears armor because she's weak, we learn to love her and care for her. She even rescues Yato from the under world.
8) Kazuma


In the anime we saw more of Kazuma's serious and loyal side, but in the manga we see just how caring and sweet he actually is. We see his weak side and his **wiggle eyebrows** love for Bishamon. We also see that he's extremely devoted and sacrificial when it comes to Bishamon's well being. Like the time he threw himself in front of Bishamon to save Yato because she had no idea that Yato actually saved her.
9) Tenjin


There was not much of a change when it came to Tenjin-sama. We all know he's that powerful, respected, smart, amazing absolutely ridiculous God. But in the manga for some reason, in the manga I felt like he was really noble and deserving of the name of the 'God of Education' and in the manga he didn't go around at any chance to degrade Yato, no! He's very nice to Yato...although they do tend to fight over who Mayu/Tomone was better suited with.
10) Mayu or Tomone


Well, Mayu wasn't regarded with that great of a light in the Anime. A lot of people were either like, why did you leave such a great God like Yato. Or they were like, good riddance, you weren't that much of a respectful Shinki either. Or they were like, get lost, Yato is Hiyori's. Plus, she was a lot more gorgeous in the manga, let's not forget the fact that she never stung Yato and she went to go and help him. She is such a strong and beautiful character in the manga, I absolutely love her!
11) Tsuyu


Well, our beloved Tsuyu didn't get that much screen time in the Anime now did she? Oh keep quiet! She's not a Regalia or Shinki like everyone thinks she is. She's a plum tree spirit that left her tree because she and Tenjin-sama fell in love with each other. There story is so utterly surreal and pink and filled with cherry blossoms it makes me giggle like a little kid!
11) Rabo
OK, this guy didn't even exist in the Manga. Unless they tried to do something really freaky with Bishamon's rouge Shinki and they turned him into a non-existent God. There is no way Nora would agree to harm Yato by Rabo's hand. Rabo excuse me, you don't even know how to use that mask properly, get out of the way!
12) Ebisu


Where was my darling Ebisu? He is such an important character! My gosh! He's the one who's name Kofuku exploits. Poor guy, it's ridiculous. He is probably the kindest and sweetest God out there and he only thinks about the good of humans. I mean, tell me that you already don't love this guy. He is also the first God that we get to see reincarnate.
13) Fujisaki or Yato's and Nora's Father


And if we forget such an important character like him, then we're all going to die because he'll friggin take over the world! This is Yato and Nora's legendary father. He lives by taking over other people's body and he has a thing for Hiyori. He killed Ebisu, killed one of Bishamon's Shinki's and he destroyed Hiyori's family hospital and nearly killed her too! He loves watching Yato get crushed under his feet and Yato has no choice but to obey him because his father is the only one that wished for him. In the OVA 2, he was supposed to be the one that carried Hiyori/Yato on his back.
In the End, in my opinion, Manga Wins!